Do you associate objects with certain people?

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28 Dec 2014, 10:20 am

I'm not sure I can explain this but... I'll try.

By associating, I mean like for comfort reasons. I ask this because most people often find it weird and also because I associated my Sebastian plush with PelleK as well. Now, I can't seem to let the little guy out of my sight. D: He's got PelleK's aura too (I'm an empath). However, this isn't about empath abilities since that's a whole other thing.

I suck at explaining things here, so just bare with me.

Currently diagnosed with Autistic Disorder, ADHD, severe anxiety, learning delays and developmental delays.


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28 Dec 2014, 10:15 pm

Yes, I think I know what you mean. Certain items will remind me of a certain person I am interested in or attracted to or attached to and for weird reasons, like that the object feels or looks like them in some way, or because maybe I was thinking of them when engaging with the item. Sometimes it's because the object was acquired when I was with the person (which is more normal; this is a phenomenon recorded in many books and other media). It doesn't happen often for me. For me, the random associations are more of an occasional thing and it doesn't last long, like maybe a few days at the most with "flare ups" later on.

RDOS Aspie Score: 145 or 144/200 Aspie, 68 or 57/200 NT

Defies categorization. A mixed bag.