monitodelmonte wrote:
i wonder if cloister monks have a markedly higher percentage of members within the asperger spectrum than the average population... i bet they do...
i have always felt strongly drawn toward spirituality and contemplation, any one else in that direction here?
i would like to meet aspies who are into meditation and yoga...
I have absolutely opined the same - - of course, I have no idea except for maybe anecdotal evidence. I think an Aspie being a cloistered monk, or even a nun, would be highly likely.
When I was really little I met a young adult whom I SO MUCH liked and he was very memorable for me. Strangely, he really liked me and always paid attention to me and was so much fun. When I was really little I hardly noticed anybody so he was really special to me and just different somehow. Later I learned he had joined a monastery in Europe and I am not surprised since he had so much discipline and perspective. I cannot know if he was an Aspie, but he and I did have a kinship despite our age difference.
Not sure if related, but I met a priest (and fairly recently) who was quite old. I wrote (not spoke) to answer him (scenario was a bit unusual) - he was the best! I cannot help but notice that he and I had so much in common, like I just don't find in others. Oh, I am not Catholic either. I am highly analytical. But our personality and way of being, even our interests. He said he rarely finds another that seems to 'understand' him and he had wonders about his own......Aspieness? But he's never told anyone. Curious.
Anyway, monitodelmonte, I think your pursuit would be very worthwhile and to your advantage. I believe there are at least a few Aspie's who are in spiritual positions on the Wrong Planet. In fact, I am thinking of 2 or 3 right now. One teaches the Alexander Method and I think there's a rabbi.
The ones who say “You can’t” and “You won’t” are probably the ones scared that you will. - Unknown