I've caught my anxieties and manias in the act, so to speak, without anything for them to attach themselves to, like mice running around in the walls that for decades had driven me nuts because I could never be sure I wasn't imagining them but suddenly I opened up the bathroom door and they're sitting there nibbling on my bathrobe. There is, literally, nothing for me to be worried about; it's pretty clear to me that I have some intense anxiety issues that are probably organically based. I "knew" this before, but now I feel like I really understand the scope of what this has done to my life. What good does it do knowing this? During depression a person thinks about all of the things in their life that have made them depressed. I'm sure plenty of us have reached a point where we realized that no matter what we think about, the depression doesn't go away. Does it do any good to clear your mind to get through attacks of depression or anxiety? I have almost no threshold between depression/anxiety and euphoria, (something that the doc who DX'd me aspie noted on my psych report). It scares me the way a mood can lead your thoughts, because it means that I have never really been able to look at things the way they are but rather build up my intuitive impression of my environment to the point where it agrees with what I see, then rationalize my exaggerated mental state with that impression (like a rorschach test). It occurs to me that this is maybe what everyone does, but from more stable mental states.