naturalplastic wrote:
gamerdad wrote:
OK, I'm 3 for 3 now for therapists that have told me this or something similar. Even the ones that seem to have no problem diagnosing me on the spectrum and treating my issues related to that, seem to still have a lot of trouble whenever I start talking about the idea of thinking about myself that way or disclosing that to anyone.
Does anyone know what the big aversion is between psychologists and labels?
I can't figure out what you are asking.
So- you have been officially diagnosed -not once-but three times. So apparently you MUST be an aspie.
But you can't wrap your head around the notion of yourself being an aspie?
Am I right so far?
So you talk to these doctors about -not the fact you are an aspie- but the fact that you can't handle thinking of yourself as being an aspie. And they cant handle the fact that you cant handle it?
Do the doctors have the aversion?
Or is it you who has the aversion?
Doctor 1: Officially diagnosed me with ASD
Doctor 2: Refused to acknowledge validity of diagnosis and tried to treat me for social anxiety disorder
Doctor 3: Validated ASD diagnosis and is currently treating me for related issues.
So thanks to as*hole Dr #2 as well as the general poor results I've had with the handful of people I have tried to disclose to, I'm still working through a lot of self consciousness and issues about how to handle the whole disclosure thing.
Neither of the other two doctors have really helped much, because whenever I try to address these issues, I get responses along the lines of "don't be so hung up on labeling yourself". I just don't get where that comes from, and why it's the first thing I encounter when I try to bring up my concerns about this with them. Is there some sort of theory about how or why that's a problem? There must be some connecting thread thread for them all to give me that same advice.