Raleigh wrote:
I'm certain some of the greatest thinkers also indulged in small talk. There's a time and place for everything. Perhaps the definition of a great mind is knowing when and where that is.
Von Neumann probably did, he hosted at least one party a week and sometimes two. Einstein complained that Von Neumann kept on playing loud music. Their offices were next to each other. And Von Neumann was one of those few people with total savant-style photographic memory, he instantly memorized everything he read and could recall it word for word. He was known as the best Mathematician of the 20th century. Additionally, he was the first person to create a mathematical framework for Quantum Mechanics and also the first person to create a mathematical framework for evolution. He fundamentally impacted at least a dozen diverse scientific fields. He created the first computer virus, created the architecture for modern computers, and was an integral part of the Manhattan Project. The U.S. ICBM committee met in his living room. He created the cold war policy M.A.D. - Mutually Assured Destruction-
He hated Russians (they killed his family) and calculated an nuclear policy that would increase the statistical chances of nuclear war and end with the genocide of all Russians (even at the cost of everyone else.) That policy, he called M.A.D. and he convinced the U.S. government that it would decrease the chances of all out nuclear war. The Nash Equilibrium for M.A.D. is that everyone dies. It was one of his postgrad students who figured this out, and it is not commonly known beyond those who aren't devout students of Game Theory (another Von Neumann field.)
While his plan failed and war didn't break out, his policy helped drive the arms race and we were at the brink of annihilation many times throughout the cold war.
But, I assume he was good at small talk, whether through intellectual memorization (which would have been very easy for him) or through intuition.
Now take a trip with me but don't be surprised when things aren't what they seem. I've known it from the start all these good ideas will tear your brain apart. Scared, but you can follow me. I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die. - a7x