Fashion-wise, I could almost be considered "grunge", mainly because I like wearing comfortable, worn-out "slacker" clothes, and I don't really give a s**t about expensive brands, though I own a number of T-shirts from various bands which is a bit more of a metalhead thing. I also have my hair in a short, almost "army" cut, mainly for comfort reasons. Normally I wear my hair kinda long, and I used to have it almost shoulder-length, but this became a hassle to take care of.
Music-wise, I probably listen to industrial more than anything else, though I also listen to a fair amount of metal, some grunge, some punk, and a bit of classic rock as well. I detest most of the popular crap people my age/gender listen to, particularly the rap and dubstep, though there is a VERY small amount of dubstep I like, mainly of the more metal/industrial-influenced variety.
I have nothing against tattoos or piercings, but they're not really my thing. It does annoy me when people flaunt their overpriced designer clothes however. Especially those damn baseball caps with the gold stickers on them. Grrrrr... Tailored suits and such are a different matter though, as they're high class and sophisticated, and they actually reflect positively on the people who wear them.