If you try to imagine living in a world where every single day is completely different. Where every experience, even if experienced many times before, feels new. Imagine having to consciously process every piece of information that enters your brain, work out what might or might not be relevant and then use that information to make sense of things. You might then start to understand the overwhelming need for routine and familiarity in people with autism.
I very much relate to this.
I always wrote down on papers that it feels like I have to start every day like new again, like entering the body, the surroundings for the first time every time again.
After being diagnosed I learnt about the consciously processing every piece of information that enters your brain and that this leads to that perception, but the knowledge about the perception does not change the perception.
English is not my native language, so I will very likely do mistakes in writing or understanding. My edits are due to corrections of mistakes, which I sometimes recognize just after submitting a text.