Sweetleaf wrote:
So this I think relates sort of to the eye contact issues...I remember teachers a lot of times thought i wasn't paying attention because I wasn't looking at them, but that didn't mean I wasn't paying attention. I remember one time when I was pretty young a teacher chastised me for not paying attention and said to look at them and pay attention, so I informed them that I can't hear with my eyes...which they took to be me being a smart a**, but I was legitmately confused about how looking at the teacher correlated with listening. It took me quite a while to figure out that was normal and most people look at someone if they are paying attention to what they're saying.
Still am bad at it, but now I know it helps if I explain it to them...
I was the same way. The teachers thought I was always intentionally dismissing class, but the reality was I saw no reason to look at them unless they were showing something like an example. In my case, all the time I tried to use to focus on them with my eyes resulted in me not completely getting everything inside my head (too much information at once), and when I asked questions regarding what was said (which is something I was told to do), I was usually either yelled at because they had just said it, or wouldn't repeat themselves for the same reason. And then I'd get a lecture about how I 'never listen in class', or some other ignorant thing. Then I'd struggle with the work itself, and not because of any one thing, but because of numerous tiny things all the time. I never measured up to anyone's expectations during school, and people weren't shy of reminding me of that either. Needless to say, the reason I never was able to do better was because of my AS, but even more because I felt like I was never good enough, with all the constant "you can do better than that, and we expect you to", and other such crap. I feel like I've always been a disappointment as a result.
Writer. Author.