jk1 wrote:
Good decision. Well, tell us more of his hilarious weird crap if you do receive it. You said he's your father's friend. Could he (your father) possibly know what his friend wants? Maybe you can ask him.
Well, my dad is a pastor, and he tends to attract the rejects of society (which is not a judgment, since I and many of us could be considered the same). So his church collects a lot of weirdos of various types. This guy is a member of my dad's congregation. I don't go to my dad's church; I've probably said less than ten words to this guy my whole life.
I could tell my dad about it, and he'd probably talk to the guy, but
1. I'd have to talk to my dad, which I don't do very often unless I have to.
2. The guy really didn't hurt anything, and he might just go away on his own.
3. Maybe he was drunk or high when he sent those messages, and maybe he feels embarrassed about it now. I don't know that, but I know I've done stuff I was embarrassed about later, and people were nice enough to forget about it with me, so I feel obligated to extend the same kindness to someone else who is struggling.
If he keeps doing it, I can talk to my dad then.
You don't need to hide, my friend, for I am just like you.