Hi, this is the first post I am sending because I was wondering if there was anyone out there I can relate too.
First off, I am one of those aspies who isn't very intelligent and doesn't really have any natural talents. During highschool I only passed 2 of my GCSE's at grade C (english and maths), I used to think I was okay at maths but tbh compared to most I'm pretty lame at it.
Only thing I ever found out I was any good at was drawing, which is why I decided to take creative media (which I also took because i love games) and graphics. Problem is though - being able to draw a image that you can look at from a picture is one thing, but being able to visualize an image and then being able to draw it without any resource material, that's another thing. Most artists I believe are naturally creative, and can draw images from their minds; whereas I can draw well, but only with resource materials.
I am hoping by writing this post that there is someone out there that I can relate too, or has had a similar issue that they where able to overcome.
I would love it if anyone could send me feedback, just try not to be to negative or offensive please, thanks.