darkphantomx1 wrote:
ok so i took this test online and it goes like there are two dolls named sally and anne, sally has a basket and anne has a box, anyways sally puts a marble in her basket then leaves and while shes away, anne moves it into the box. When Sally comes back, where will she check for the marble?
She checks it in the box duh cuz thats where it is. who woudnt know that anwser?
Someone whose Theory of Mind is poorly developed or non-existent.
For participants to pass this test, they must
answer correctly by indicating that Sally believes that the marble is in her own basket. This answer is continuous with Sally's perspective, but not with the participant's own. If the participant cannot take an alternative perspective, they will indicate that Sally has cause to believe, as the participant does, that the marble has moved. Passing the test is thus seen as the manifestation of a participant understanding that Sally has her own beliefs that may not correlate with reality, which is the core requirement of Theory of Mind
second place she'd look would likely be her own pocket.