MaKin wrote:
most nt's will become offended in some degree upon being rejected,
Most people feel offended when they feel they've been rejected. That's a pretty universal human trait.
I think you are doing the right things. Wearing earphones. Not standing near to her. Etc.
I think you should not go out of your way to hurt her feelings (like being intentionally rude in what you say to her), because I think people--NT and ASD alike--should do their best to be respectful of one another. That being said, you are not obligated to have conversations with her. To minimize this, continue to do what you are doing, when she asks you a question, answer with as few words as you can, do not ask her any questions, check your watch or look at your cellphone (if you have one), and if you need to, simply tell her that your dog walking time is your alone time and you really prefer to just relax and spend time by yourself. I usually do things like wear obvious earphones or read a book in situations like this so people will know not to bug me. But some people don't really notice those signals and try to talk to you anyway. Extroverted people sometimes do not realize that not everyone wants to have conversations all the time. Because they naturally do, they assume everyone else does too, or that they are "helping" introverted people because they tend to think that deep down, we really want to be extroverted, but just don't know how to be. LOL! If only they knew how glad I am NOT to be extroverted! LOL!
Mom to 2 exceptional atypical kids
Long BAP lineage