AssPurging proves to be a volatile and rather startling side effect for the neurologically blessed AssPurgers. Something as yet inexplicable but hotly debated embedded in the aura of an AssPurger sets off the radar of an NT or clique of NTs that causes the NTs to quickly and dramatically out themselves as asses, idiots and louts. The ass-outting or AssPurging that constantly plays out around the periphery of an AssPurger can be upsetting and disconcerting to the neuroblessed until he learns that it is a time-saving benefit that lets him know, right away, who is unworthy of his expenditure of time or effort. Why waste energy on cruel shallow backstabbers? A person's true colors, depth and quality of character are brought to the limelight by the mere presence of an AssPurger.
I have definitely learned this recently and find it liberating. It is still disappointing to see that so many NTs are compelled to be nasty and mean when they sense "difference," but that is far better than the devastation caused by attempts to bond with these defective NTs only to be rejected with derisive force.
I now see that this AssPurging effect is God's protective mechanism to guard my precious neuro endowed gifts, that I be free to nurture, develop and bring to full glorious rewarding potential these strange potent latent powers that have remained dormant yet waiting, fertile, within me for that moment when my understanding expanded to liberate them.
NTs "pick on" AssPurgers because they think The Different Ones are an easy target and the NTs are all jostling for position and playing their vicious ferocious social pecking order games, which AssPurgers do not engage in nor care about. AssPurgers aren't bound and repressed by these artificial bullying cues that drive NT behavior and tend to not notice or heed them. NTs are unthinkingly fettered like a mob flock of like-feathered lemming birds and attack when they sense difference.
AssPurgers are naturally targets of snobs, snots, and rigid autocratic power mongers who feel threatened by anybody self-contained, different, and free to be his own unique self. NTs go ballistic when faced with a free spirit.
AssPurgers are walking lightning rods that reveal the lurking evil in other people. AssPurgers are living real-time barometers of how much undercurrent of manipulation and machination is in NTs in a room. NTs cannot resist attacking, smirking, whispering, gossiping, and scheming behind the AssPurger's back, thus shining the spotlight of truth on horrible NT traits and behavior. The AssPurger's existence draws hatred from the most insecure problem-ridden evil NT's who cannot help spazzing out at his mere presence.
Because AssPurgers so easily and clearly reveal NT's heinous tendencies toward exclusion and ostracism, knee-jerk erroneous judgment and social cruelty, AssPurgers should be honored as canaries in the coal mine of social groups and workplaces, giving warning of dysfunction needing immediate remediation in the NTs.