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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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03 Nov 2015, 10:33 am

For my senior research project I have to submit a five page research paper as well as ramble for 10 minutes (Well. have a multimedia presentation) about said topic 8O . Also, for extra credit, we need to try to link the topic to literature or language.

I have my research topic. Asperger's syndrome and communication. The teacher told us we should have 1-3 research questions about said topic.

My question is "How does Asperger's syndrome affect communication?" Which seems a little overdone, and I know a lot about that. Does anyone have any suggestions for a more specific question?

Also, we need 5 reliable sources, so if you have any good articles from a reliable source than that would be helpful as well. :)

Thank you :D


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03 Nov 2015, 10:46 am

OwliviaGrace98 wrote:
For my senior research project I have to submit a five page research paper as well as ramble for 10 minutes (Well. have a multimedia presentation) about said topic 8O . Also, for extra credit, we need to try to link the topic to literature or language.

I have my research topic. Asperger's syndrome and communication. The teacher told us we should have 1-3 research questions about said topic.

My question is "How does Asperger's syndrome affect communication?" Which seems a little overdone, and I know a lot about that. Does anyone have any suggestions for a more specific question?

Also, we need 5 reliable sources, so if you have any good articles from a reliable source than that would be helpful as well. :)

Thank you :D
Please forgive me if this might come across rude, I am not intending to be rude at all, I promise. But I just have to ask because I am so baffled and maybe this baffles me because I am much older than you. But what kind of school has you do a senior research paper that is only 5 pages long and only has 1 to 3 research questions about the topic? When I was in school, we were turning in papers that were at least 10 pages, sometimes 20 and they were not even at the senior level. And 10 minutes of rambling. Wow, I remember if we had to present something orally we could only do two students per class session at the most because each student's presentation for a senior level project might take at least a half an hour if not longer. Sorry if I am coming across in a way that I don't intent to but I am so shocked that that is the requirement for a senior research project that I could not help myself from asking. Please forgive me.

Okay, now that I have had a few minutes to get over my shock, I will try to say something helpful and constructive to give you something for your paper. I think a good topic for Asperger's and communication would be to research the temporary deterioration of speech phenomenon and the causes and effects of selective mutism which are common in Asperger's.

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