sparklegirl wrote:
my 78 year old dad almost certainly has
....At most you suspect.
You may simply be symptom-clustering. There's every chance you could look at the symptoms of, say, dementia and find 'proof' of the condition.
Personally, I think you have no authority/experience/qualifications etc to make anything even resembling a diagnosis.
This thread is a can of worms and I'll contribute no more to it other than this post.
I predict you'll have lots of what you'll perceive to be positive feedback in replies here, with others encouraging you to tell your Dad, at which point he can join the cult.
I say - respectfully but firmly - you have absolutely no authority to make such a claim, and could very easily disturb your Dad by telling him 'what he is'.
Think very carefully as you could cause major problems throughout your family - long after your Dad is gone.