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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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23 Mar 2015, 8:18 am

What are your experiences with other people when they don't follow what you would consider to be basic social rules?

For elaboration, today I had to go to the library to use the internet to send an email and print some forms because I only have internet on my phone. The only computer that was available and working was already signed in. I had tried to use the other available computers, which didn't even work for some reason. There were a lot of people there and it wasn't happening as straight forward as I had expected so I was already pretty frustrated. This took up maybe five to ten minutes, really, and the computer that was signed in was still there so I figured whoever was using it must have not realised they were meant to sign out or something. I mean, if you leave a public computer like that then obviously you finished and neglected to execute the sign out procedure, or you didn't know how. I needed the computer so I signed out of it and then had to wait for what felt like a really long time for it to be ready for me to sign in. Just as I do so and am about to click on the internet browser I get this rude tap on my shoulder and told "uhm, that's my computer, I was signed in and working there". I bluntly told her that she had left it so I signed her out and she responded with what she had already said. I did repeat what I said I think twice more because obviously she didn't understand me. I got bored and frustrated because she wasn't bothering to listen to me and change what she said so I got up and left the library. I had to sit outside for maybe fifteen minutes before I could drive to another library because I was angry. I don't know how to deal with situations like that and people who don't listen or just do ridiculous things such as leaving a computer in a public library and then expecting to come back to it more than ten minutes later.

It was interesting though because while I was angry I didn't exactly feel it. I'm not very good at knowing what to do with emotions and anger is a strange one. I was shaking somewhat so I just sat until that went away and I figured I wasn't angry anymore so I would be okay to drive. Except during the afternoon and evening (I'm in Australia so it's 11.41pm right now) things that don't seem related would remind me of it and I'd feel the same way.

I don't like that the situation looked like I was the one in the wrong when I don't believe I was at all.

I shared that because I am curious to know whether anybody else has had this sort of experience with frustrating people or not entirely being able to register an emotion.


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23 Mar 2015, 9:46 am

What you think are basic social rules aren't always what others think. For example, I would think it was very rude for someone to take my computer while I was going to the washroom or whatever and then refuse to give it back. To me, that goes against basic social rules, while leaving the computer logged in and unoccupied is just mildly annoying.


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23 Mar 2015, 5:46 pm

When other people make social mistakes I think they're hypocrites; but at the same time I guess it's typical for someone to be rude to a 'weird' person. 'Normal' people are sometimes more messed up because they only care about their social life and rarely anything else.

We become what we think about; since everything in the beginning is just an idea.

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