Did me, Owen Suskind, or Jacob Barnett have/had CDD?
Owen Suskind, a succesful autistic man with "Life Animated" was a very normal kide before the age of 3. The website also saying how Owen regressed before his sucessful journey with Disney: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/breaking-th ... ey-movies/. Owen's regression around age 3 is quite similar to what Theodore Heller found in toddlers and in little kids in 1908. Heller described this as "dementia infantilis". Jacob Barnett, a teenage calculus wizard, had something much like what Owen and Heller's patients when he was 2 years old. Also, like many kids with Childhood Disintegrative Disorder/"dementia infantilis", Jacob Barnett's prognosis was that he would never be able to take care of himself again. The DSM IV and ICD 10 criteria say that "Childhood Disintegrative Disorder" requires nureotypical development for at least 2 years of life before dramatic regression. The end of the regression is almost exactly like autism. So I, myself had normal NT development before age 2 1/2 years, in which I had drmatic regression into autism that was quite quick. Me, Owen, and Jacob Barnett all meet the criteria for "Childhood Disnitegrative Disorder" in addition to autistic disorder (or for me either "Atypical Autism" or "Autistic Disorder" even though Jacob and I are very high functioning autistic people today. So is it possible that me, Owen Suskind, and Jacob barnett have Childhood Disintegrative Disorder?
RAADS-14 score is 23.
There is, absolutely, an entity known as CDD. I believe this should be research separately from other forms of autism.
There are case studies which date from at least the 1940's which details the "regression" you are speaking of.
There are times when CDD, at least, partially reversible.
I had a form of "classical autism" until about the age of 5 1/2. That's when I learned to speak. Afterwards, I presented a more "Aspergian" clinical picture.
The book, "Elijah's Cup," details the "classical autism to Asperger's" evolution in a child named Elijah.
There are case studies which date from at least the 1940's which details the "regression" you are speaking of.
There are times when CDD, at least, partially reversible.
I had a form of "classical autism" until about the age of 5 1/2. That's when I learned to speak. Afterwards, I presented a more "Aspergian" clinical picture.
The book, "Elijah's Cup," details the "classical autism to Asperger's" evolution in a child named Elijah.
But what Theodore Heller found out was that the toddlers and little kids that regressed had before had either developed normally or already had very very mild developmental disabilities before the dramatic regression. Regression in autistic disorder by contrast, already have considerate delays, like not speaking before the regression. But however, just as how you evolved from a autistic disorder to Aspergers at age 5 1/2, I have started out as being "Childhood Disnitegrative Disorder"/dementia infantilis at my regression at age 2 1/2 and a short time after the regression I had evloved to being a "Kanner Type". I spoke again at age 4 1/2. Then I evolved into half Aspie half Kanner type as I became older.I still have some Kanner type stuff up to this day along with some Aspie traits like clumsy movements, a touch of a tendancy to use sophisticated Mr. Spock language on ocassions, and sophisticated knowledge in real things (While Aspies are interested in stuff like Pokemon and Science, Kanner Type people are interested in really obsurd things like walls, cielings, spinning things, and lights and make their imagination off it). Jacob Barnett had something much like Childhood Disintegrative Disorder at age 2 when he regressed and the doctors said he'll never tie his shoes. Then the next year, he was diagnosed as Aspergers because he was facinated with math. So jacob evloved from CDD to an aspie. So since nowadays, Kanner Autism, Aspergers, and CDD are more closely related to each other, they all fall on the family spectrum chain. And how each seperate disorder affects someone could range from person to person, some more, some less, some none.
And plus diagnostic labels can change throughout a person's lifetime. For example, many girls who were initially diagnosed with Childhood Disintegrative Disorder were later revealed to actually have Rett Syndrome. Another example is how kids originally had autistic disorder but improve their symptons to the point that they get rediagnosed with atypical autism. So it could be actually real that Jacob Barnett and I both had Childhood Disinterative Disorder at age 2.
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You can just think of it all as ASD, and one particular trajectory of development is normal development followed by regression followed by regaining skills and ending up similar to HFA, some of whom never developed normally and never regressed either, which would be another particular trajectory of development.
Drain and plane and grain and blain your brain, and then again,
Propane and butane out of the gas main, your blain shall sustain!
If I was the father of my 2 1/2 year old self or a parent of either Owen Suskind, or Jacob Barnett when they regressed, I would of researched "Childhood Disintegrative Disorder" being that CDD can have a regressive onset at the same ages that Owen, Jacob, or I ourselves regressed into autism in a way that is quite dramatic like CDD. CDD requires at least 2 years of NT development according to ICD10. And all three of us had at least 2 years of NT development prior to regression and Owen Suskind, Jacob Barnett, and I all regressed after our 2nd birthday. So in addition to being considered autistic (or Aspergers for Jacob Barnett), we three also meet the criteria for 'Childhood Disintegrative Disorder' in both DSM-IV and ICD-10. And by the way, the end of Leo Kanner's original 1944 paper also said that Theodore Heller's dementia infantilis patients had at least 2 years of normal development prior to regression. Also, Kanner said that compared to dementia infantilis/Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, all of Leo Kanner's patients had an onset of autism since they we born or were babies. That is why Leo Kanner named what we would (or used to) call 'Classic Autism', "early infantile autism".
RAADS-14 score is 23.
I really think more research should be done on CDD. From reading the book When Autism Strikes (a collection of stories by families of CDD kids), I found out a lot of CDD kids show bizarre behavior or even psychotic symptoms right around the start of their regression. It makes me wonder if CDD might actually be more of a schizophrenia-spectrum condition.
The regression and the consequences of Childhood Disintegrative Disorder is just about moderate to servere autism, which is what happened to Jacob Barnett. That is why the collection of stories of families with Children with Childhood Disintegrative Disorder is called When Autism Strikes. Jacob Barnett, like many kids before their regression to CDD, was a normal toddler filled with language and blossoming language like saying "I love You!". The after his servere regression, like many kids with CDD, Jacob had a poor prognosis and had servere autism. It was so bad that a doctor said he would never learn or tie his shoes. So Jacob barnett's beginning of his autism is very much like CDD. And Jacob barnett at age 2 looked identical to one of Theodore Heller's dementia infantilis patients.
The Same for Owen Suskind of Life Animated. The autistic man who literally lives in the world of Disney begun his autism much like Jacob Barnett and many kids with CDD. Like Owen and kids before CDD, Owen was a normal toddler with a loving active personality. Then at age 2 1/2, he regressed into autism losing skills he had like drinking from a big boys cup. He also cried a lot around his time of regression. I am sure one of the kids of When Autism Strikes with CDD would be exactly like Owen during his regression.
When a child regresses into autism that way at ages 2 or 3, it would be hard to tell if the Child has Autistic Disorder or CDD.Since Owen Suskind and Jacob Barnett also fit the criteria for CDD in addition to autism, despite thier succesful ways, reading the stories of Owen Suskind and Jacob Barnett, what are the similarities of Jacob Barnett during his regression, Owen Suskind during his regression, and children from some of the stories of When Autism Strikes who regressed at nearly the same age as Jacob and Owen (age 2-3)?
The articles are below to help you compare the regressions of kids from When Autism Strikes to Owen Suskind before and during his regression and Jacob Barnett before/during his regression:
Owen Suskind
http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/09/magaz ... .html?_r=0
http://hereandnow.wbur.org/2014/05/27/s ... y-autistic
Jacob Barnett
http://creationrevolution.com/12-year-o ... -big-bang/
RAADS-14 score is 23.
The Same for Owen Suskind of Life Animated. The autistic man who literally lives in the world of Disney begun his autism much like Jacob Barnett and many kids with CDD. Like Owen and kids before CDD, Owen was a normal toddler with a loving active personality. Then at age 2 1/2, he regressed into autism losing skills he had like drinking from a big boys cup. He also cried a lot around his time of regression. I am sure one of the kids of When Autism Strikes with CDD would be exactly like Owen during his regression.
When a child regresses into autism that way at ages 2 or 3, it would be hard to tell if the Child has Autistic Disorder or CDD.Since Owen Suskind and Jacob Barnett also fit the criteria for CDD in addition to autism, despite thier succesful ways, reading the stories of Owen Suskind and Jacob Barnett, what are the similarities of Jacob Barnett during his regression, Owen Suskind during his regression, and children from some of the stories of When Autism Strikes who regressed at nearly the same age as Jacob and Owen (age 2-3)?
The articles are below to help you compare the regressions of kids from When Autism Strikes to Owen Suskind before and during his regression and Jacob Barnett before/during his regression:
Owen Suskind
http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/09/magaz ... .html?_r=0
http://hereandnow.wbur.org/2014/05/27/s ... y-autistic
Jacob Barnett
http://creationrevolution.com/12-year-o ... -big-bang/
The Barnett link is Creationist flotsam. They are hijiacking his story to suit their agenda.
Jacob is an atheist.
By the way, it was quite realistic that if it were not for the early intensive intervention of the type my parents did to me during and after my regression at age 2 1/2, I would of looked like that guy below in the video. Plus, according some reliable sources, the long term prognosis expectations years after the childhood regression is very poor and low functioning. So in other words, they think that if I had Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, in the long term run afterwards I'll look just about Harley Sheffield in the video below.
OR, so maybe I had CDD at my regresssion at age 2 1/2 and evolved into HFA much like how kraftiekortie evovled from Classic Autism to Asperger's. The aftermath condition in CDD after the regression is pretty much Classic Autism.
Anyway, I asked for comparison of Jacob Barnett's Regression at age 2 to Owen Suskind's regression at age 2 to the kids with CDD from When Autism Strikes who regressed at the ages of 2 and 3 years (the same age range that Jacob Barnett, Owen Suskind, and I regressed at.) And Jacob Barnett is a REAL person by the way. It is unbelievably true, I saw him on the '60 Minutes' Show. But let's not debate about that and get to the question I asked.
RAADS-14 score is 23.