I will admit I have mental health problems that are more serious than possible asperger's, but basically summed up with a direct quote from a psychiatrist I saw for a while: "That diagnosis would not change your treatment plan."
Many therapists and even doctors have stated that I have asperger's, but when a group of therapists diagnosed me... my caseworker said their diagnosis was invalid and that I don't have that.
On the other hand, so that I can have DBT therapy... they diagnose me with Borderline Personality! Nobody in the past ever said anything like that!
It seems that they are putting labels on people for there benefit and don't care if someone just wants to really know what's wrong with them!
Crazy Bird Lady!! !
Also likes Pokemon
Avatar: A Shiny from the new Pokemon Pearl remake, Shiny Chatot... I named him TaterTot...
FINALLY diagnosed with ASD 2/6/2020