AlexWelshman wrote:
A lot of those of you in America would describe those with an IQ lower than 70 has having Mental Retardation. However, we in the UK call it Learning Disability.
Anyway, heres why I'm asking: I know that there a lot of people with autism htat have LD's. However, it's part of the diagnostic critirea for Aspergers to have an IQ of average or above, which rules out LD.
Now, even though a person may not be able to get the diagnoses of AS if there IQ is lower than 70, I don't think that means it's tecnically not possible.
Here's what I mean: there are people with mild autism, but have an LD as well, which effcts their life a lot. Imagine, if they didn't have the LD, they may have had the diagnoses of AS, but the LD rules it out. Hoswever, that doesn't mean that they're autistic symptooms don't qualify for As, but their LD prevents this. So what I wonder is, is it possible to have an LD with still having AS. I know that diagnostic wise, it isn't, but is still tecnically possible? They could maybe be very like Aspergers, except they have a Learning Disability.
A learning disability does not require one to have a low IQ, it just depends on what the learning disability is and there are some people with high IQ's who also have learning disabilities. For example, dyslexia is considered a learning disability but people with dyslexia can also be quite smart. People with Asperger's also sometimes have a host of issues that can also be considered learning disabilities, for example some have executive disfunction and there are some aspies who also need accommodations like extra time for tests and exams.