Muziek wrote:
Maybe we on the spectrum develop hyper-awareness because it is so soothing to us, after all it is similar to mindfullness meditation, esp the Zen style where you learn you to apply these techniques in your daily life and not only during sitting meditation.
Muziek, I have actually thought one time while I was in meditation that the whole 'observe your surroundings' part of it is something that I already constantly do- and not on purpose, either.. I just can't tune anything out. Anyway, have you had any luck with distancing yourself with everything and looking on without becoming attached to daily life?
Also, next question for above posters.. What would be the difference in reaction to PTSD vigilance and just sensory issues. I understand that one is vigilance and another is issues with senses but in daily life/ reactions/ examples, how could I tell which is actually to 'blame' for issues? For example, could the things I mentioned be explained only be vigilance? I mean, I don't think that hyper awareness of body/ issues with clothing tags could be. But could the rest? Just thinking out loud here.
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