I received my Master's in Economics and worked in the field for awhile. After working with Economics people at least at my University, I opted to switch more towards pure mathematics since they seem to care less about how well someone lectures and speaks and more on their technical abilities and performance(although that is "on average" and of course there are always exceptions to the rule) . Plus, I think if you major in pure maths it is always easier for you to switch to other "creative"-type fields like economics, physics, etc. if you come up with a good solid question to answer and can always fall back on your mathematics skills to answer the question. The problem with the field of economics and even moreso psychology these days is that there are a lot of superficial types taking over the field writing a lot of papers with too much confirmation bias and other BS (ie, using the statistics to answer your own preconceived notions). However, I think it would depend somewhat on the school as well. But I think 'on average' you'd be better off starting out in pure maths. If I could go back that's what I would've done.