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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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14 Oct 2009, 3:51 am

I am in the SF Bay Area and need a place to live.

I am 29 yaers old and have been emotionally abused by my parents since my Asperger's became noticable when I was in my late teens. They continue to abuse me.

I do not have any self esteem and don't have a job. I really want to go to college and get a degree but I don't have a way to do that. My parents say I stupid and don'thave any skills to be an adult.

I need a place to live. Sometimes I am homeless, but its hard to be homeless and I end up coming back to my parents where they make me feel like garbage.

My own brothers are embarrassed about me and won't talk to me or help me.

I am too young to give up on life, but I am trapped in a terrible situation and can't get out.

I am addicted to alcohol and pot because of the situation I am in.


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14 Oct 2009, 6:27 am

You need a social worker, but I don't know if that's available where you live. We can help too (AWA - Asperger Women Association), even if you're male. But we need to know where you are (country or State of the USA) to refer you to someone who can help. Don't hesitate to PM me.

So-called white lies are like fake jewelry. Adorn yourself with them if you must, but expect to look cheap to a connoisseur.


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14 Oct 2009, 10:46 am

SF Bay area is in California, Greentea.

NotHuman, do you have a diagnosis? there should be services available to you as a disabled adult. I'm going through this myself because I want vocational rehab so I can work, and I'm on SSDI because I can't work due to PTSD from my last marriage and now I have a diagnosis of AS so I want to make sure I go into something I can handle.

if you have a diagnosis, apply for social security disability. if you have never worked, the amount will be small but it's better than nothing.

also contact the department of human services for your state. if you have a diagnosis, you're considered a disabled adult and they should be able to get you to services to help you get away from your abusive family. they handle food stamps, etc. and they should also be able to get you in touch with vocational rehabilitation services, which can help you get set up for college or job training.

the federal government issues grants and loans for college. that's how I went.

don't give up. you know yourself better than your parents do. what do you like to do?


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14 Oct 2009, 11:01 am

That sucks.

Sometimes I think someone should go to the media and just point out how many abusive parents, especially abusive to children with disabilities, end up literally contributing to the homeless problem. It's gotta stop.


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14 Oct 2009, 2:05 pm

bhetti, now I don't understand the verbal either, not just the non-verbal. :oops: 8O

Help is on the way for the OP.

So-called white lies are like fake jewelry. Adorn yourself with them if you must, but expect to look cheap to a connoisseur.


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14 Oct 2009, 8:17 pm

Idillic as it is to wrender aid to the unfortunate let's not forget that the OP is ALLEGING abuse where none has been yet proven; the OP is ALLEGING homelessness where none has been proven and the OP is alleging unemployment where none has been proven.
There are far too many assumions and holes in this story to warrant action on anyone's part.

I know- this will undoubtedly be internalized as hateful and "unsympathetic" (whatever that is)... But I've been around long enough to be wary of a potential scammers to know that a person intelligent enough to use a computer is probably intelligent enough to seek out LOCAL sources of assitance.


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14 Oct 2009, 10:12 pm

WritersBlock, that is kind of insulting. what you said basically says if you're smart enough to use a computer you shouldn't be in an abusive situation. I was a software support analyst for crying out loud and trapped by my ex's abuse. often when I went looking for assistance no one was willing to steer me in the right direction, and I was told if I reported the abuse I'd lose my kids. I don't assume people are aware of their local resources. sometimes there are so many services and it's a battle just finding the right ones, as I found when I went looking for food for my kids when we were homeless.


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14 Oct 2009, 10:19 pm

bhetti wrote:
WritersBlock, that is kind of insulting. what you said basically says if you're smart enough to use a computer you shouldn't be in an abusive situation.

No, that is not "basically" what I said. It is not even close to what I really posted. Please re-read my post and quote me more accurately.

I am sorry for your past circumstances but they have no bearing on what the OP presented nor my response to the OP.


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15 Oct 2009, 11:15 am

NH, our California Director will help you find solutions, please answer my PM. We'd like to hear from you.

So-called white lies are like fake jewelry. Adorn yourself with them if you must, but expect to look cheap to a connoisseur.


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15 Oct 2009, 11:31 am

WritersBlock wrote:
bhetti wrote:
WritersBlock, that is kind of insulting. what you said basically says if you're smart enough to use a computer you shouldn't be in an abusive situation.

No, that is not "basically" what I said. It is not even close to what I really posted. Please re-read my post and quote me more accurately.

I am sorry for your past circumstances but they have no bearing on what the OP presented nor my response to the OP.
sorry, what did you mean when you said "a person intelligent enough to use a computer is probably intelligent enough to seek out LOCAL sources of assitance" right after "the OP is ALLEGING abuse where none has been yet proven; the OP is ALLEGING homelessness where none has been proven and the OP is alleging unemployment where none has been proven"? my post was only to illustrate that yes, you actually can be intelligent enough to use a computer and not know how to find local resources, or have tried and come up empty-handed. if the point of my post fails to address what I believe is a misapprehension in your post, then please explain what you really meant.


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15 Oct 2009, 1:38 pm

What I meant is pretty much what I posted but I'll try a different approach:
Perhaps I am a bit jaded to these erst-while pleas for help on-line but I've seen enough of them amount to nothing more than posturing to know that it takes more than simply making an allegation to make it true.
Also, it makes no sense to me at all to reach out to parts far and wide for any kind of help when a person might really need it where they are. Logically, I would begin looking at the resources closest to me. If I came up short (and please remember, the issues brought up by the OP are allegations of abuse and unemployment- NOT necessarily are those Asperberg's-dependent issues) I would work on making the resources closest to me work in the short term while looking for long-term resolutions.
To me the abuse allegation is a simple one to resolve: Leave the abusive situation and don't go back. Done.
Then the employment issue: Even the smallest of towns have agencies whose sole purpose is to help people find some kind of work. While those resources are being tapped one can find temporary housing in any number of shelters, food at food banks, churches or other organizations and clothing through Goodwill or the Salvation Army.
Believe me, I have had to go through all of this and am well-versed in how to pick up the pieces of what appears to be a shattered, irreparable life.
And while the internet is a good source of information, it is NOT the source of the OPs immediate concerns and needs. And that is why I am suspect of the OPs claims.
I'm not saying they aren't true. I am saying that anyone offering up advice, resources or (gawd forbid) monetary assistance should proceed with extreme caution.


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06 Apr 2015, 1:20 pm

...I saw this from my own " 87% Unemployed " post .
Myself , I would DEARLY love to go back to college - " uni " as the Australians call it , full-time/residential college - which I NEVER got to do at the proper age (Or even a later age , even :cry: .) :( .