If this was me, now, I'd go to the teacher after class, mobile phone in pocket and recording the conversation, and very politely explain that saying "the way you say everything is very annoying" does not help you understand what exactly the perceived problem is, and would he or she kindly explain what exactly she found annoying and what exactly he/she would like you to do about it.
Having said that, at age 15 I would certainly not have had the guts to do that, or the mental strength to stay polite and in control of the situation - so maybe better bring someone along for emotional support and as a witness?
Also, did the teacher say this in front of the whole class? If so, that makes it a lot worse in my opinion, and if you're recording the conversation you might as well get an admission of that fact on the record as well.
Father of 2 children diagnosed with ASD, and 2 more who have not been evaluated.