MollyTroubletail wrote:
I've seen this many times randomly before, but it recently happened again. I'll be casually chatting with someone NT and then, I don't know but maybe I misunderstood something they said, and suddenly they get really angry and say:
"Are you deliberately pretending to not understand what I said, for your own amusement?!?!"
This seems inexplicable. Is it considered amusing by NT people to misunderstand each other? I see no point in deliberately misunderstanding when real misunderstandings happen so often already. Why would an NT person even suggest that I'm amusing myself by not understanding? Then if I reply "No" they angrily ask what other purpose besides amusement would I have to misunderstand them, as if it's the only possible explanation in their mind.
You would have to give examples of actual conversations for us to figure out the situation.
One likely explanation is this: that oddly enough the people saying that to you are saying that out of
It could be that what they are
really saying is "what I am saying to you would be crystal clear to most people. So if you dont get it then you must be a real dumb ass. But I am not rude enough to actually call you a 'dumb ass', so I will just accuse of you being a normal IQ person who is a perverse sadist pretending to be a dumbass, so you will get the hint."
I am not saying that you really ARE a dumbass, but you might have communication issues with people.
So the next time you hear someone say "are you pretending to misunderstand me" just substitute that phrase with ""you're a real dumb ass!" in your head, and you will get what the person WANTS to say to you ( sorry to be blunt about it).
So the issue could be: you not understanding folks in normal conversations - maybe because of aspie issues-maybe you take things too literally-or don't read between the lines in ways that seem obvious to others- or something like that.
And that maybe something you need to work on.
But again-we can't tell from the little information you have given- so it may not have anything to do with that.