"reality" tv? no, texting, yes, hollywood happenings, no, fashion, lolno, people magazine, very occasionally, sports, outside of my own team, no. see? you're not a freak (look at the responses!) i wouldn't think it's exclusively an aspie trait and i expect many NT's to relate, but i assume it's higher among us.
i remember seeing music videos on MTV, a few times.
i can relate to above ^ i just do my own thing, and i don't care if people follow a short lived trend or not that i see silly. it's entertaining sometimes, watching trends come and go. some, like silly bands (z?), came and went so quickly i'm not even sure they were a thing. it can be tough sometimes not being able to relate to a friend that's very into a certain thing you don't care for, but so far i've managed to bond with hem over other things. that wasn't always the case, i once forcibly tried to get myself into a show just so i could have something to bong over with another friend.
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