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31 Mar 2015, 10:13 pm

I don't watch reality TV, send text messages, pay attention to the happenings in Hollywood, know what the current fashion trends are, read people magazine, in general have no interest in popular culture in America except for following certain sports. Is this a typical Aspie trait, or am I just extremely weird?


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31 Mar 2015, 10:17 pm

I am like this, too. Don't know if it's an Aspie trait - I've seen some on here that say they are very much into popular culture.

I tell people I "grew up parallel" to popular culture. I have always been out of the loop my entire life. I feel like I live in a type of time warp.


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31 Mar 2015, 10:51 pm

Aspies seem to either be extremely absent from the pop-culture scene unless one of our special interests is pop-culture or an aspect of it.


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01 Apr 2015, 12:14 am

I used to be big into pop culture back in my teenage years. The 1980's that is. Back when MTV played music. But once the 90's rolled around and MTV stop playing music. I pretty much turned my back on pop culture and never look back.


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01 Apr 2015, 1:17 am

I can attest.
But the real reason is, I never think about what's popular and what's not. I simply like what I like and dislike what I dislike.

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01 Apr 2015, 1:47 am

"reality" tv? no, texting, yes, hollywood happenings, no, fashion, lolno, people magazine, very occasionally, sports, outside of my own team, no. see? you're not a freak (look at the responses!) i wouldn't think it's exclusively an aspie trait and i expect many NT's to relate, but i assume it's higher among us.

i remember seeing music videos on MTV, a few times.

i can relate to above ^ i just do my own thing, and i don't care if people follow a short lived trend or not that i see silly. it's entertaining sometimes, watching trends come and go. some, like silly bands (z?), came and went so quickly i'm not even sure they were a thing. it can be tough sometimes not being able to relate to a friend that's very into a certain thing you don't care for, but so far i've managed to bond with hem over other things. that wasn't always the case, i once forcibly tried to get myself into a show just so i could have something to bong over with another friend.

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01 Apr 2015, 2:16 am

I've never been much into popular culture.

Sports is about the closest to popular culture for me. Even then, when I was an undergrad, I didn't even pay attention to sports except for car and motorcycle racing. It really wasn't until I was 35 that I started paying attention to a team sport and that was volleyball. At about the age of 45, I started paying attention to football and baseball.

As for music, I like to listen to it, but I have never paid all that much attention to the groups themselves. Except for personal friends, what they do apart from music is of absolutely no concern to me. Also, while I like movies, I could care less about the personal lives of actors and actresses. I could care less who is married to who, who got arrested last week, who lives where, who won an award, and so on.


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01 Apr 2015, 2:26 am

I'm not against pop culture as a whole or by definition. In my case, the current popular culture is just 'meh' at best.
i have been accused of being a hippy, but it's just a coincidence that pop and my dislikes overlap


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01 Apr 2015, 2:38 am

Popular culture? No thanks.
Sports? No thanks - apart from bicycle race.
Reality tv? No thanks.

Some think me very boring. I find the above mentioned extremely boring.

Special Interest: Beethoven


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01 Apr 2015, 2:49 am

ProfessorJohn wrote:
I don't watch reality TV, send text messages, pay attention to the happenings in Hollywood, know what the current fashion trends are, read people magazine, in general have no interest in popular culture in America except for following certain sports. Is this a typical Aspie trait, or am I just extremely weird?

Nope, I'm the same way. I don't do any of the things you mentioned either, except for, similar to you, following hockey, and not all hockey, just "my" team, and now that they're out of the playoffs, I'm a bit more blase about watching.

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01 Apr 2015, 3:02 am

I've like most sports all my life. Many people, NTs included, are not into popular culture. I text people I know. I rarely use social media.

I've always enjoyed playing team and individual sports, though I'm no athlete. I did do marathons 20 years ago.

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01 Apr 2015, 4:50 am

ProfessorJohn wrote:
I don't watch reality TV, send text messages, pay attention to the happenings in Hollywood, know what the current fashion trends are, read people magazine, in general have no interest in popular culture in America except for following certain sports. Is this a typical Aspie trait, or am I just extremely weird?

Nothing atypical about any of that.

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01 Apr 2015, 4:52 am

I barely watch any TV, hardly ever txt unless there is a good reason, and have no interest in celebrity culture.

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01 Apr 2015, 7:34 am

The only thing I do that's on that "popular culture" list is to send the occasional text message, because that's the only one with any practical value - it's cheaper than phoning, and doesn't risk me being "put on the spot," because if I receive an awkward question in a text message, I can delay answering until I've had a chance to think.

I don't think most Aspies care a lot whether or not an activity is popular, fashionable, or "the done thing," but there may be exceptions. It's hard to escape the idea that if I'm going to fit in, I should behave like the people I want to fit in with, but doing that usually gets tedious or stressful pretty quickly, and there's something very unfulfilling about acquiring social acceptance by living a lie. But there are lots of people who aren't interested in celebrities, fashion or sport, so I don't have to fake these things, I just have to avoid the mainstream of human society. Years before I knew what autism was, I noticed that the individual people who interested me the most usually turned out not to own TV sets.


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01 Apr 2015, 7:40 am

It's normal. People only like reality TV and following Hollywood stars because they don't like their own life. My goals in life aren't to become famous and have everyone else say how jealous they are of what I own lol

We become what we think about; since everything in the beginning is just an idea.

Destruction and creation are 2 sides of the same coin.


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01 Apr 2015, 8:27 am

Same here, I dont care about any of those things whatsoever.

The only thing I know is texting, and that's more out of necessity than anything. Friends of mine are often at work during the time I'm awake, so any conversing with them at all is text-only, or nothing. It also means not having to deal with actual phone calls.

Other than that.... yeah. I know nothing about fashion, never watch movies or TV, dont even know the rules to any sports, and so on. Just.... dont care.