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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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05 May 2005, 6:40 pm

I have not been around for a while (depression). Missed the site terribly.

I received my official dx today: AS with ADD. The testing was not too bad; the testers were professional and compassionate. I also got to take an IQ test (Wechsler) for the first time since childhood.

Slightly off the subject but a definite bright spot: one of the major television networks hired me to do the simultaneous Latin to English translation for Pope John Paul's funeral and Pope Benedict's installation. Very nerve-racking but very lucrative; we needed the money.

Hope everyone is well. The site looks as good as ever.

-Ignorantia delenda est.


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05 May 2005, 7:05 pm

Well, now you know, huh? I went through major depression after my diagnosis, and am struggling.

That is cool you can speak Latin. Did you study in college or did you learn by going to Catholic school?


Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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05 May 2005, 10:00 pm

I taught myself basic Latin when I was 5. I kept up with it and later took four years in prep school. I also studied Latin in college and did some substitute teaching. Now I tutor Latin and do small translations for extra money. Every once in a while, I get a big job like the recent network assignments. There are a lot of people who can read Latin, but apparently very few who are willing to attempt simultaneous translation.

I have also coached pronunciation for altar servers who assist at Tridentine Masses.

The new pope likes Latin, so I am hoping for a few more translation jobs. :)

-Ignorantia delenda est.


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06 May 2005, 6:09 am

So what is your IQ? and i gotta get mine tested soon, i cant remember it :D


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06 May 2005, 6:34 am

Cato it is good to see you back!! :D

I am envious of your job. What an honor. I love the Latin language also.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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06 May 2005, 8:22 pm

As far as the IQ, I have been a member of Mensa (not very active, as you might guess) for several years. My membership was based upon my SAT scores from 1982.

The most interesting thing to me about the testing was the difference between my verbal IQ and my performance IQ. That turned out to be important in the dx, as were my executive function and visual vs. audial results (I do not shift well between audio and video stimuli). My short-term memory turned out to be pretty poor, but I already knew that. Now I can get some help with the AS and with the ADD.

The translation jobs were nice, especially since the network paid for my bus to and from New York and for my hotel rooms. I also got signed with a major translation agency, so I expect the Latin translation jobs to start rolling in (not). :wink:

I do not know if this would be helpful to anybody, but I am willing to assist members of WrongPlanet with Latin tutoring/translation. If anyone needs tutoring, contact me and I will waive my usual fee. Translations, Latin to English or vice versa, I will do free of charge. This is only for WrongPlanet members, and is one nice thing I can do for everyone here. You would be surprised at how many people ask me to translate stuff into Latin for mottoes, tattoos, etc.

Anyway, it's back to my regular, boring life. I guess I became a bit of a celebrity at work, but I still have to stock the shelves. My wife is not well these days, so there is more to do at home.

-Ignorantia delenda est.