SteveK wrote:
xxrobertoxx wrote:
I like things to be sanitary, every day when I drive home from school I'll wash my hands before getting on my computer and every once in a while I"ll go out and clean off my steering wheel with a disinfectant since touching it after school without being able to wash my hands from working on the school computers that everyone else uses also and touches. If I use the phone at home it's the same way unless it is one specific phone of mine that I only have hooked up to our secondary phone line anyway so I don't use it much anyway. I dunno how this got started but it did so I like things to be all clean and if I can't do that then it bugs me and I keep thinking about it. It sounds so dumb I know but that's how it is. I wash my hands more then I probably really need to I'm sure of that. It's not like super obsessive though like an OCD type of a thing. But it is a ritual, every day I get home I wash my hands and after using the phone or touching certain other things in the house.
I used to be EXACTLY the same way! "worse" than felix unger! When I was 4 or 5 I categorized, organized, and labeled all my books and put them in a book case. At 6 or 8 I nearly cried when I saw this beautiful book case kit a friend got for $10 and I found that they got the last one.(It was walnut, REAL wood, with glass doors in front) 8-( Oh well, her mother paid me $1 to build theirs.
I liked building such things.
Anyway, I STILL clean toilet seats before I go, clean desks when I get upset or bored, and wash my hands possibly better than any surgeon after I go, sometimes before, and sometimes other times as well. I usually use anything BUT my hands to open doors.
USUALLY the offices/equipment people give me at the start of a contract end up cleaner than when I started.
ALSO, I almost feel like throwing up when I see food prepared. It is NEVER done with the hygiene I would use. NEVER!! !! !! MAN, if I was a health inspector, and I had my way, I don't think any restaurant would stay open.
Well at least I'm not the only one like that. I am very much just like you except for the cleaning toilet seats bit, when I have to sit on the toilet to go to the bathroom I almost always do that before I take my shower so that I don't have to worry about that. I still wipe and all that though before getting in the shower because that would be nasty otherwise, lol. I do however examine it first though and if the seat looks like something might possibly be on it then I'll wipe it all off.
Before I had my own computer and had to share mine with my brohter I was convinced that he didn't always wash his hands after going to the bathroom and that drove me crazy. I actually got cans of Lysol to spray the keyboard and mouse with each time he was done using the computer, my mom just got used to me doing that and didn't say much about it but did get the right kind of Lysol I wanted at the store. I would usually go with her and pick out the scent that I wanted using a different one from time to time. She had her own computer though. Now I have my own computer so I don't do that anymore and I've got a nice one at that since I'm a computer geek it has to be a good system.
And of course I always wash my hands after going to the bathroom no matter what I always do even if I don't even think I got them dirty I still wash them and throughly too.
Sometimes I don't even want to hold the cat if she just came out of the litterbox.
I don't get sick very often though, this might be part of the reason why but some people tell me that if you keep things too clean your imune system won't be as strong or something like that, I don't know that I believe it but I keep with how I do things and I seem to do just fine. Watch now that I said that I'll end up getting sick, lol, I hope not, knock on wood.