Joined: 19 Mar 2005 Gender: Male Posts: 2,478 Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
09 May 2005, 2:14 pm
1)...Understandiing the action
(in your case the move)
2)...Stage each level of change.
(perhaps a packing order that
allows a grasping of this change)
3)...Communicate each stage of
this change.
(that is why you wrote your forum)
4)...Do some HOMEWORK(Ahhhhhh!
you might think):
but consider looking the new locations
history, places to go, peruse a phonebook
for things of interest to you. Look at
a map to grasp it's size, etc....! So make
it fun homework!
I am going to move pretty soon, but not with my family, just ALONE. I am terrified, because allthough I have moved alot of times before, I only lived there for a couple of months, and I lived with people I knew...
Scary subject.
Joined: 19 Mar 2005 Gender: Male Posts: 2,478 Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
09 May 2005, 7:51 pm
Why are you moving?
What plans have you made already?
Have you contacted a place to go yet?
Are you moving to a big city, small town,
or village setting?
Did you save any money?
IN THIS MOVE???????(I ask that
specifically since it helps you grasp
the journery better, since you seem
to be implying that this is your first
independent move.) Hmmmm?
I have never moved far but have always brought my particulars that make it my home. These things give me comfort and stability. Similar to how I always carry a bag with my of a couple books, etc., wherever I go. It is like a grounding tool.
I should suspect it will be very hard at first until you find something you like about the new place. Then it will get easier. That is how it went with me. And once more things become familiar. But planning is always good, too, as well as preparing yourself for that huge change.