If you study wicca you will use seasalt
as a purifier, and it is most effective
as a natural substance.
the beach during a ritual is as nature
intended, It cleanses the physical body,
and you feel the high-pro-glow of
clairity that comes from this cleansing.
The waves will ripples and create natural
sound, and fluent formations that constantly
change, as one does in life. It is a constant
change in sound, the texture of the water
will meld with your feet first, and the sound
coresses you. The coolness of the water
causes a adaption to your body and you
feel as one with this, as if your part of
the natual element.
You feel like children do, free without barriers
and restraint being one with it's splashes and
currents, playful from within.
The best beaches I have seen were the nude
ones that remove these physical constraints
called clothing, and everyone is imperfect in
one way or another but don't care. Oh! the
freedom of the beach as I see it, whether in
a physical bathing suit, or in the nude.
Well, this is my view of a beach.