...Um , I don't quite see why .
After all , I don't qualify for such things , my jail experience was fairly minimal and " nice " (Early on there , I said something to that effect but said " But , I'm never going to say that again here " , and haven't .) , and , more to the point , not what you mention .
MY posts , even ones extending ones which got responses before , ~ One titled " My infections , etc. " which should be self-explanatory , and a " fun " one , regarding mis-heard song lyrics (The old " There's a bathroom on the right " , etdc. , one , though I myself never cited that one , I'm using that as an example .) , don;t get responded to anymore...BTW , when I , when new there , expressed my desire to go back to college in a " full-fleged " , residential/" normal " four-year B.A.-seeking manned , OH ! !! !! , was I ever reamed , with EVERYONE there informing me that I Cannot Do That ! (On that line ~ One person was sympathetic on the blog function and we became FB friends . One day , I keep telling myself , I'll re-read that whole line and repeat my desire for a full " uni " experience (As I outlined above , and I believe have said here . Yes , I acknowledge that I would likely need to Pay My Dues* by doing " Night school , etc. " first/to get myself ready , but...........) Maybe I'd get banned after that . ~ PTO seems to tend to ban even high-posting/moderator types rather readily ~ Oh , and they're ABSURDLY anal-retentive about " No , you must post it HERE " , et al...Like the AV Club , I suppose ~One more " glorious rite of passage " that I did not experience in my junior-middle/full high school years , thus the " I suppose " .
*-I probably made a mistake , when I brought the subject up , of pretty early on recalliong my mother saying " Oh no ! First you have to prove you DESERVBE to go away to college ! " when I was 18 , and recalling that - then - I thought my teenage fun was , finally , going to start " - Saying it that early in the subject , I mean , which let them pounce on me as " immature " too much - Not that I don't remember it , her saying it , like it was yesterday , or that I didn't then ...........