Jacoby wrote:
Well other than the handshake and invading other people's space, it seems my body language is pretty terrible. I don't think I could change even if I tried at this point.
Agreed. If anything I avoid other people's space as a courtesy. I absolutely loathe those who think they're being "friendly" when they get in my face, sneak right up close behind me, or worse, touch me without warning. I like a distance of three feet or more (out of reach...) if I am dealing with someone other than a close friend or blood relative. I find having my space invaded by non-intimates to be disarming and intimidating, and not at all "friendly."
I know there are huggy-kissy people out there who think that fingering strangers and getting in people's faces is perfectly acceptable- (I grew up in a big, loud family of them, and all that group groping still drives me quite apeshit) and maybe for some it is, but NOT for me. Too much of that business makes me physically ill. A simple handshake is fine, but if I don't know you very well, please do not try to hug, touch or otherwise make physical contact with me. It's just plain unnerving.
As far as eye contact goes, I do avoid it. I'm not lying or hiding anything, it just freaks me out. It actually helped me when in my late 30s I went back to wearing glasses from wearing contacts for years. Glasses offer a little something to hide behind, as they help mask deficiencies with the use of eye contact.
I think most of us on the spectrum have difficulty with body language precisely because we are travelers in a world that isn't made for us. I know I am probably much more guarded out in public and in dealing with others than most NTs, because I have to be. I miss a lot of cues that others just internalize, so I have to be more vigilant, hence the guarded postures.
Intelligence is a constant. The population is growing.