Mum2ASDboy wrote:
Does it get easier to cope with unexpected changes as you get older?
I sprung a change on Damo this afternoon. I coloured my hair without warning him AND changed it from blonde to mid brown. He did NOT like it.
Change is hard, becuase I like it but Damo doesn't it.
It can improve,but also depends on where he is on the spectrum.
Am cannot cope with changes,and it's a major meltdown and flesh biting setoff,it's not bettered or worsened since childhood.
What might find is,when he is older,he might learn to accept that other people dye their hair/cut their hair/change their clothes etc,
and although he might hate it,he will learn he can't do anything about it as it's not his,am do have a problem with these types of changes to,but try to block it out of mind by mentally repeating over and over it's their body.
It can be hard recognisng people also when theyve had change of clothes or hair colour,does he have a problem with this as well?
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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