Sensory Overload: Getting Extra Senses
I've heard that it is possible today to get a sixth sense, an ability to detect electromagnetic fields, by implanting rare-earth magnets in one's fingers. An article on that is here: ... -my-finger
Apparently, other possibilities in the near future include artificial telepathy.
The thing is, though, if you're prone to getting sensory overload, wouldn't it be not so good to add extra senses? I'm thinking especially artificial telepathy, as it would be quite disturbing to get messages inserted directly into your head. (N.B.: This is distinct from the delusion called thought insertion.) Also, I would hate to have to try to sort out my thoughts and stuff to allow some to be sent and prevent others from being sent. (N.B.: This is distinct from the delusion called thought broadcasting.)
"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin
You know. I wonder what it would be like for someone with the ability to sense electromagnetic fields to experience a solar storm like the one that happened in 1859, which literally burned circuitry here on earth.
I wonder if it would be so powerful that it would be experienced as super-extreme sensory overload, effectively leaving the person unable to do anything for the duration of the storm and perhaps some time afterward.
"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin
I have days where I have very strong sensorial and emotional overload and disorganisation going on and my level of functioning is decreasing and when I e-mail a therapists couple that I know about it, who are very much into solar activity and these things, they always tell me that at those moments where I get this much overload and disorganized there is high solar activity going on and something in the geomagnetic field and that I am very sensitive for it.
But I don't know if I am sensitive for solar activity, why should I be the only one, because other people I know do not get this disorganized.
English is not my native language, so I will very likely do mistakes in writing or understanding. My edits are due to corrections of mistakes, which I sometimes recognize just after submitting a text.
Interestingly, enough, proprioception, potentially the most important of senses for basic survival, is now described by some scientists, at least, as the REAL SIXTH SENSE of human beings.
And for those who may have never had an intro class on proprioception, here are some rudimentary basics linked here:
The greatest thing about proprioception is it is a sense that be advanced through the practice of imaginative and creative movement in much greater overall potential eventual physical intelligence to regulate emotions, integrate senses and increase overall cognitive executive functioning by enhancing focus and short term working memory.
Truly this can be key, in at least some cases of clinical symptoms associated with Autism, as all of these are clinical deficits scribed in Autism Science, as well.
Martial Arts, like TAI CHI, and Ballet, are two of the most common arts that are now in part sciences of instruction in specific moves to increase overall human physical intelligence and proprioception.
However; obviously, not everyone is cut out to deal with the rigors of Martial Arts and Ballet classes, and the good news there is human beings, as 'invisible' ancestors in the era of foragers must move in quiet balance of mind and body, per emotions and senses, as well as focus and good short term working memory to get the overall job of now to now survival, done. So, this ability, still exists as a much greater epigenetic human potential, in our genetics that can naturally be improved with practice.
The way to do this is simple; foot to foot leverage moving ones entire body through distance and space as completely as possible using core abdominal muscles first to rest of torso, legs, arms, and of course hands and feet and head, in balance.
And also to do this in a natural or artificial environment of obstacles to move around, is also key in increasing one's navigational abilities in space and distance to get around better everywhere one goes in mind and body balance.
The greatest thing about all of this, perhaps, is the reduction of stress that automatically comes with greater physical intelligence of the sixth sense of proprioception.
Without tension everything in life is better.
Stress is the number one originator of disease and disorder, overall, among otherwise health human beings, so not to do this, of course with the go ahead of one's family physician, in case there are any mitigating circumstances preventing this kind of physical activity, IN creative physical activity in balance, for healthy folks, is truly Einstein's definition of insanity, in moving the same ways over and over on the 'sidewalks' of life, and expecting a different imaginative and creative result of eventual potential animal homeostasis of human being, otherwise known as human animal bliss.
An all natural way this is, to remediate some of the clinical reported deficits associated with Autism.
And yes, Autism therapies, in cutting edge research, are showing the effectiveness of this general type of movement therapy to help more severely impacted folks with Autism.
But it only makes sense that it could be as effective with higher functioning autism, as well, considering the overall,
clinical reported deficits that are remediated through this all natural therapy, to live greater in human potential of living in mind and body balance; getting around with proprioception, like blind folks can do without optical eyes.
The entire body is one equipped for environmental vision. But yes, as in all things in adaptation to challenge for survival, in terms of negative epigenetics; NOT to use it, does mean to potentially lose in, in relative terms of human abilities.
The worst thing possible to lose it, is to sit still anywhere for an extended period of time in front of a screen, eyes fixed around two feet ahead, with very limited movement of hand and arms.
The importance of the sixth sense of proprioception cannot be emphasized enough, along with increasing general physical intelligence, to have the best of lives possible in this one life we live for now..
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
What about the ability to feel an MRI procedure? MRI uses electromagnetic fields.
http://www.biomedical-engineering-onlin ... ent/3/1/11
I have had two MRIs, well more like 1.24 MRI procedures. The first one was a head/neck MRI in one of the really old units that are extremely claustrophobic. When they started up the scanner it felt like someone was running an egg beater inside my head. It was the weirdest excruciating feeling. They stopped that scan. The second one was a lower back scan in a newer open MRI unit. I could feel the waves of the machine and could tell what part of my body they were scanning at a time. It felt like something pulling through that section of your body. It was quite weird. When they got down to my lower back and hips I was getting shocks through my thighs that were extremely painful. The MRI techs assured me such things were not possible. I did some looking after I got home and there were some very rare instances of people getting shocked by MRI units or otherwise being made to feel unwell, nausea, headaches etc.
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