As far as a white powdery substance being smoked out of a hookah, do you mean opium? I'm not sure about your assertion, tobacco has been smoked out of hookahs in the middle east for a very long time, but they smoke a resiny tobacco (sometimes called wet tabacco) that is mixed with some kind of fruity extract, usually apple or something like that. On the other hand, opium has been used for several thousand years, so you could be right. I'm just not sure it was smoked out of hookahs for all of that time. I have never seen opium that is white and powdery though (but I am no opium expert).
i did mean opium. gave it the wrong discription tho u are wright.
Btw I reed ur other thread have been through a lot of “doctor” drugs all of witch caused more harm then good. But weed works for me to
Not just good memories the pot heads that got me into it were not nice people and stuff was bad
It takes the edges off life
S?cuse me my reason is currently on holiday