Well this always happens to me but today it was really extreme. I want to know whether you guys have similar experiences.
I was feeling really REALLY depressed since 18:00. Then I went shopping, bought chicken to make soup, made soup, and all the time I just felt so depressed I thought I need to go to the ER. I talked a lot to a family member who is good at therapy, we went trough everything that happened today which could has triggered the depression, I thought my bipolar medication is not working etc. etc. and then.... drum roll:
I realized I haven't drunk any fluid since 14:00 (when I took my seroquel with water). I drank a glass of water and a glass of orange juice and now I'm completely healed, even too happy. If I wasn't to take medication, I would probably drink NO water at all!
It's the same with peeing. I would sit there watching TV and I would realize "dude why do I feel so bad?" and then I would suffer for 20 minutes to find out that I urgently have to pee!
Is this kind of being unaware of the physical body an Autistic symptom or am I just kinda stupid?!?!
Aspie score: 131 of 200
NT score: 34 of 200
Possibly Aspie (diagnosed by an autism expert, doc moves abroad, forced to change docs and all say it's schizophrenia NOS or schizo-affective disorde or personality disorders. initial doc was a colleague of uncle Simon btw. you do the math.). (edit: by Uncle Simon I mean Simon Baron Cohen. Just to clear things up.)