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Aspies, can you relate to this?
Poll ended at 06 Apr 2007, 3:01 pm
yes 87%  87%  [ 34 ]
no 8%  8%  [ 3 ]
Like, do I have to answer this stupid poll? 5%  5%  [ 2 ]
Total votes : 39


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27 Mar 2007, 3:01 pm

As an Aspire, I can only speak for myself but I just want to make sure I'm not the only one who does this.

As an Aspire, I feel the must inportaint things in my life in my Inner World and the people in it. I'm pretty much laid back and nice, especially little situations.

But if someone breaks into my Inner World (a.k.a. call back to reality), I'm disterbed with an angry feeling inside. Kind of like a bee if you bother its nest.

If you had to do something you don't want, you do it with fustration. An inner feeling as if your a slave in chains.

And If it's not relating to you, you can care less so you forget all about it and go back to your confurtable inner world.

These are just Inner thoughts, but do you guys feel this too? Can you relate to me?

_Eric ;)

Thank You and have a nice day,

_Eric ;)


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27 Mar 2007, 4:19 pm

I can definately relate to that. I enjoy having people in my life, and I like having them in my routine. But if one of them touches me or does something unexpected, I get really angry with them.
For example: I really liked my lab teacher, and I love how I can relate to her (she knows Russian), but if she tried to touch me or get me to do something different I'd get really frustrated.

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27 Mar 2007, 4:33 pm

Starbuline wrote:
I can definately relate to that. I enjoy having people in my life, and I like having them in my routine. But if one of them touches me or does something unexpected, I get really angry with them.
For example: I really liked my lab teacher, and I love how I can relate to her (she knows Russian), but if she tried to touch me or get me to do something different I'd get really frustrated.

I understand about the routine. I had a friend that I spoke to nearly every day and then he moved to Japan so our talks became less frequent. I almost felt angry at him at first for disturbing my routine, which was very selfish of me.

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27 Mar 2007, 4:41 pm

I don't think I understood the question properly so I voted no. If it is about routines and such, then yes messing up my routine = bad. Also if I'm deep in thought or deep into some other activity and someone comes up and touches me unexpectedly then I will jump about 3 feet in the air :wink: This especialy annoys me when a person does this often because they get a kick out of seeing it.


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27 Mar 2007, 4:46 pm

Very yes,

It is not just the inner world, I can be rebuilding an engine, something they can see, and some human will start babbling about what they saw on television, which they thought was cool, but cannot quite remember.


I can relate. my girl is about your age. She was always a Feral Child. We really like each other, but it took years to develop a ritual hug. She is always just out of arms reach, with everyone. It was a great thing when we could hug. After fifteen years of building trust she came up behind me, put her arm around my waist, and I turned rock solid in an instant and jumped across the room.

I think she is catching on to why I understand her.


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27 Mar 2007, 4:50 pm

My sociability deficits, beyond the awkwardness hurdles, seem to stem from the fact that my brain (and its resources) is split into two parts, my outer/social world and my inner world--which I suppose I value more. Although I fully realize the importance of the outer world, my merely moderate success therein causes me to hold my inner world in higher esteem. I know what I'm doing in my inner world, whereas I feel almost completely irrelavent in the outer world.


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27 Mar 2007, 5:09 pm

No, I realize how serious life can be so I understand that.

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27 Mar 2007, 7:15 pm

Totally and utterly relate. I tend to be in my inner world whenever I am listening to my music, and I can be very verbally aggressive and angry with anyone who disrupts that and jumps me back to reality, which I find uncomfortable. I have my music on almost all of the time, so I guess I have a great need to be in my own world. I do not see much of merit in the real one, afterall, lol.

I am diagnosed as a human being.


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27 Mar 2007, 7:29 pm

To me, I've been in a logical world. Now I want to be free from it and go to my Inner World for the rest of my life.

I'm most confortible and relaxed & safe there.

Don't you people hate it when somewhat interupts your Inner world and you snap at whoever disturbed you and they fight back and hold a grunge on you until you appoligize.

If I'm in that kind of possition, I'll totally hate myself for it. :x

Thank You and have a nice day,

_Eric ;)

27 Mar 2007, 7:35 pm

I hate it when my routine gets disturbed. I hate being interupted what I'm doing. I hate being disturbed of what I'm doing. If I'm at work and I get interupted doing something and have to do something else, I don't show my frustration. Or if I get called into work and I'm forced to go in even if it was my day off, I'm upset but I try to hold it in. I don't want to lose my job. I will not have my autism spectrum affect my employment. That's what I like about having it, it makes me a stronger person.


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27 Mar 2007, 11:41 pm

I have my own inner world and I don't like it very much when someone bothers me. But I have created a solution for that. Do all my thinking at night. That way noone bothers me.

I also get very annoyed when some one bothers me when I draw. I love to draw and when ever I'm in the muse it will piss me off when someone bothers me and disterbs my whole mind set.

Other then that not much will bother me with rutine and all. I really don't have one i think?

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28 Mar 2007, 12:33 am

When I get into my own little world, drawing transportation-related structures or working on the computer for long amounts of time on something that I am really involved in, for example, a programming project, my parents tell me I get snappy and don't make eye contact. I don't understand it when they chide me, because I'll do it unintentionally. Now I know when it happens, though.

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29 Mar 2007, 9:24 pm

I can be a right pisser if someone breaks into my little world before I am ready to deal with them. At the very least, it will put me into a terrible mood for the rest of the day. Thankfully, most people at work have learned to leave me be once I have my headphones on. At least I have progressed from bursting into tears at the slightest provocation to just being unlikeable for the rest of the day if I am disturbed ;) Improvement! I have been blessed with bosses that understand that they need to leave me alone when I become stressed.

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29 Mar 2007, 9:31 pm

yah inner world/self is very cool!