I've always had a strange fascination with disasters. When I was a kid/teenager, I was practically obsessed with earthquakes. I watched movies about them, read books and encylopedias about them, and could recite to anyone the different types and causes. For a while I wanted to be a seismologist (until I realized that, in the absense of a major event, seismologists actually have pretty boring jobs). I'm probably one of the only people on earth who's first thought was "COOL!" when I heard about the San Francisco earthquake in the late 80's (I was probably about 11 at the time). But it wasn't just earthquakes, I was extremely interested in volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and even plane crashes and other such events. I was fascinated with the Titanic as well. And to this day, one of my all-time favourite movies is Apollo 13.
Even today, I still get that "cool!!" reaction whenever I hear about disasters, although it's much more subdued. I think about the human element now, whereas when I was much younger, it wouldn't sink in unless I happened to hear a personal account from someone who'd lived through it.