I also read about this and am really exited. Agree this discovery will have huge implications.
There remains a lot to be discovered regarding the functionality of the immune system.
This piece of news http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/20 ... 164024.htm is also intriguing. If the findings are confirmed with further experiments, it would point to strong parallels between AS and allergies. The former relating to hypersensitivity to sensory input, and the latter to hypersensitivity to allergens.
The boundary between sensory input and allergens is not so clear cut.
For example, whilst hypersensitivity of the airways is a prerequisite for asthma, in affected individuals, already the thought about a potential asthma attack can lead to symptoms, in other words conscious thoughts and associated feelings can trigger asthma. The triggers for migraines are even less well understood.
My body seems to be hypersensitive not only to allergens, but also to specific kinds of stress. The reactions can range from asthma, to migraines, skin irritations, sudden proliferation of warts after prolonged periods of stress – which seem to disappear when I succeed in changing my environment to reduce the level of stress. Similarly, my sensitivity to noise, and social interactions varies depending on my context.
Most medical professionals don't bother to think about potential connections between the various symptoms. To date I have only met one medical professional who immediately identified the common thread across the range of symptoms I had at the time. I should have asked him for relevant medical literature.
Probably some of the more astute medical practitioners have a few hunches or anecdotal evidence on potential connections between different kinds of autoimmune diseases. With these latest discoveries, I hope that the science catches up over the next decade.