Aniihya wrote:
Everytime I come into a debate with someone who has ASD, they use it as an excuse to be insistent that they are always right and that they would always get their way. Some of these people are so stupid that when we debate, that they ignore the fact that I spent most of the time trying to explain to them that we are talking about two different related subjects. Then they say that AS automatically gives them analytical skill and superior comprehension, to which they then use ASD to try to justify always being right.
Sometimes they frustrate me so much.
Welcome to the world of political correctness ,where we treat those with disabilities as unique special people capable of anything instead of telling it like it is.
This is what leads to the delusional world people with autism live in , I for one find it disgusting (altho it took me 26 years to accept what autism/asd is, so I'm bias )