I would not settle for seeing a psychiatric nurse, absolutely no way! They are not specialists in this, so I sure as hell hope for your sake she/he will refer you onwards or you will not get where you want to. When I faced this issue, yes, I was very nervous, but I went alone, I avoided looking at my doctor and simply said, 'I would like to be referred to someone who specialises in autistic disorders or aspergers syndrome'. You don't take no for an answer. If they do not do that, then find another gp until someone does take you seriously. The autism centre in Cambridge is doing free assessments for adults at this time, by the way, and that is Simon Baron Cohen's team, so you could also write down the contact details for there and ask to be referred as that is possible, no matter what area you are from...unless you have problems with travelling... however that tends to need a parent or sibling too to back up your developmental history. That is the route I am taking, as well as seeing a local psych. Fortunately, my gp agrees I most likely have aspergers so I didn't come against any difficulties... I had expected to as usually the older gps do not even know what such things are, but this one did and the other old practise doctor has a wife who worked with AS kids. My first appointment is Friday actually, with the local person.
I am diagnosed as a human being.