krex wrote:
He had a little tear because he was finally flapping his tiny little wings and flying?
in the beginning you notice that he's nailing a tree to the side of a cliff, something he's been doing all his life, that way, when he jumps off, it creates the illusion of flying, if you turn up the volume, you hear a crash at the end. to me, all that states is that something hit the ground, think that maybe kiwi landed in a pile of leaves, hit a tree and survived, or mybe a tree came off the cliff and kiwi actually flew, or maybe his hat fell off.
but that's not how i saw a relation to here. kiwi knew that he could never fly, but he never gave up, so he created this illusion, he made a dream, he now knew what it was like to fly, and throughout his life, kiwi didn't want to let his flightlessness "keep him grounded" he lived, he really lived. you get the idea.
and understand that this doesn't mean he died. this implied he fullfilled his dream of flying, but not that he died. somebod else at youtube made another video that has him opening a parachute.
i like to think that kiwi fullfiilling his dream of flying in a way, could be compared to our dream as aspies to not be considered different , without the hitting the ground part.