AlexWelshman wrote:
slave wrote:
AlexWelshman wrote:
Sorry for the late reply. I've not checked the Wrong Planet in a while. Overall, my long term memory is rather good. I have a tendency to remember past evens in my life vividly, even from a young age right up to now. My very early memories are a bit fuzzy though. Also, I tend to remember past events in pictures, rather than words. And I even see my past life as a filmstrip. My short-term memory is terrrible though! How's your memory?
No problamo! I don't mind it being moved at all. I was kinda unsure were I should put it to tell you the truth. Thanks!
Yes, quite likely! I do actually hope to right a sequel at some point, but that'll be a very long way off. At least 10 years for sure!
Thanks for your comments guys!
I asked because I wondered if you had ~~~~HYPERTHYMESIA
There are only 12 known cases in the world. link is interesting. I kinda want to look more into that condition now. Anyway, I doubt I have hyperthymesia, because I don't exactly remember everything. Yes, I' have got a pretty good memory, but my memories can get a mit mixed up sometimes. I also don't usually remember the exact date in which a certain thing happened. I'll likely know around about what year it happened in, but I don't normally remember the exact daate, day & time.
Yeah, then I believe you do not have hyperthymesia.
They have perfect and instant recall of all details, and it never wavers.
Eg. if they glance at their watch they will NEVER forget what it said even 50 years later.
they recall every meal they have ever eaten with perfect clarity....everything that they have ever said "word for word"...everything they have ever read...every song they have ever heard....with 100% accuracy
those of us with excellent memories are not even close to these rare individuals
imagine being MARRIED to one of them...