redrobin62 wrote:
The only way I could talk to any of my past teachers is through a séance because they're all dead.
Probably the same here.
I never made any attempt to keep in touch with them - didn't know it was socially acceptable and it never occurred to me to do so, didn't see any point. I suppose in hindsight there were a few of them it would have been good to talk with again, just to see how they'd been getting on and talk a bit about old times. But further mentoring from ex-teachers, I just don't use the skills they taught me any more. I didn't like most of the teachers, school was an increasingly negative experience for me, I began very well but things gradually got worse, and when I finally left school, I couldn't get away fast enough, and that wasn't an unusual attitude.
I still find the American fascination for school reunions very hard to understand. Don't know if it really exists in the UK, if so I didn't notice it. The "class of '[insert 2-digit number]" thing, I don't get that. It's as if everybody really loved all their teachers and school chums, really bonded with the whole system, and they want to re-live it every so often, and have ceremonies and get very proud and sentimental (and sometimes even touchy-feely) about it. Me, I'd probably mostly be telling them what bastards they'd been to me and demanding apologies. I did get on well with a few kids, and had a high regard for a few of the teachers, but when school was done I just kept hanging out with the kids I liked best, and never felt any strong desire to do any more than that. Much like my attitude to society in general, I think most of it is wasted on me, I just relate to the few members of the human race I can relate to as individuals and leave it at that.