Something I never thought I had was the "preoccupation with parts of objects" that is listed in the diagnostic criteria for AS and autism. Then, I was for some reason thinking about it the other day, and I realized that when I was younger, I did.
My brother used to have some type of bed structure, I can't recall what the entire thing looked like, because I was focused on a small portion of it, which was the tiny vertical metal rods that had springs around them. When I was younger, I used to sit in front of the bed and spin the springs around very quickly so that they made a pleasing and interesting sound. My parents got upset with me because they thought I would wear out the springs playing with them, so they made me stop. Similarly, I used to play with the doorstoppers we had behind our bathroom doors, they were spring-like things sticking out of the wall with rubber tips.
I commonly hear people with AS say they do not have any preoccupation with parts of objects, and I thought the same way myself, until recently. Anyone else have similiar interests?