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12 Jul 2015, 1:09 pm

Serously for 23 years i have been having all these problems in my life and i have been faking it


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12 Jul 2015, 1:14 pm

Why are you faking it?

What are your symptoms?

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12 Jul 2015, 1:19 pm

starfox wrote:
Why are you faking it?

What are your symptoms?

Arm pain in both arms because of lack of blood flow to the area, Very Bad Memory (short term,long term) very bad concentration ability, very bad listening skills

adhd behavior which people think im faking. inability to socialize normally

especially when i get Yelled at for being an "idiot" right to my face when i completely cant help it. Especially if you dont even know what they are talking about, Especially if they know something is wrong and they ignore it

Last edited by IHAVEAsPerGer on 12 Jul 2015, 1:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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12 Jul 2015, 1:21 pm

A lot of people are just mean.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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12 Jul 2015, 1:24 pm

Does not seem at all like ASD symptoms. More like a mixture of having a poor diet and poor exercise and being anxious about how people see you. Do you eat good food or ready made junk? Also stay away from artificial sweetners like aspartame.What you eat does affect a lot!

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12 Jul 2015, 1:26 pm

starfox wrote:
Does not seem at all like ASD symptoms. More like a mixture of having a poor diet and poor exercise and being anxious about how people see you. Do you eat good food or ready made junk? Also stay away from artificial sweetners like aspartame.What you eat does affect a lot!

i thought my diet was fair, i cut junk food long ago and i excersize plenty


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12 Jul 2015, 1:30 pm

is Chronic Fatigue, Very bad memory, very bad intolerance to certain foods, sensitivity to lightbulbs, doing senseless reach about stupid things and being completely unable to understand normal social chitchat (NO Exaggeration ) not part of aspergers?

I litterally Cannot Stand being in a room of people being completely unaware of what is being talked about, especially if they try to speak to me. I seriously believe the part of my brain made for speach and general huma language is Seriously damaged or Not There AT All


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12 Jul 2015, 1:48 pm

Have you tried going to a psychiatrist with experience in autism spectrum disorders? If not, most of the time when there is an autism help center in your general area they have a list of doctors they recommend.


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12 Jul 2015, 1:51 pm

SocOfAutism wrote:
Have you tried going to a psychiatrist with experience in autism spectrum disorders? If not, most of the time when there is an autism help center in your general area they have a list of doctors they recommend.

I tried that but had a shut down when told to my face by the "Psychiatrist" that i dont have aspergers. before even having a chance to speak.


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12 Jul 2015, 7:31 pm

Chronic fatigue and arm pain aren't related at all. I mean, I experience the former but it's because of excessive caffeine consumption.

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12 Jul 2015, 8:14 pm

Probably because they have being around fakers/exaggerators before, so they may be wary. If they're isolating you specifically to be 'faking it' then it's more their problem then yours, unless there are many that do, which then may be a result of you giving off good reason to believe that you are faking (intentionally or not).

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12 Jul 2015, 8:59 pm

People, in general, are much more concerned that someone is gaining an unfair advantage than the harm they may be doing by assuming that the person is faking. The latter rarely occurs to them. A lot of people think that everyone but them is always trying to find a fake reason not to "pull their weight."

And no experience is needed; they can think that spontaneously. Many people believe the famous "welfare queen" story even though it's fictional. Also, people can self-create false 'experience,' such as a poll worker who assumes that everyone who shows up to vote who has an accent is an illegal alien. The way that people think is far from logical or what one would imagine.

I consider it a miracle that Tourette's and OCD are not still considered psychological or 'faking.' There was time when even Parkinson's disease was thought to be a kind of faking called "hysterical paralysis." Same with epilepsy and many other conditions now known to be physical. People just love to think that they're catching someone 'cheating,' more than they care about being rational or reasoning from evidence.

Last year, a teller at my bank loudly, with sarcasm implied that I was faking using the cane I use. That was probably because I use it for dizziness (have CFS and dysautonomia dx's), not painful joints and thus don't lean heavily on it. She was so caught up in how 'juicy' it was that she 'caught' me that she made a complete ass of herself. That shows you the strength of that motivation.


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12 Jul 2015, 9:11 pm

886 wrote:
Chronic fatigue and arm pain aren't related at all. I mean, I experience the former but it's because of excessive caffeine consumption.

They can be. With dysautonomia there is something called "coat hanger pain." It's caused by slightly insufficient blood flow to the muscles in the neck and shoulders (and maybe extending to the arm). And, since circulation is screwed up in general there is overall fatigue as well.

OP, you should ask your doctor about dysautonomia/POTS. The mental confusion and pain (maybe; more in the shoulder baldes for me) sounds a bit familiar.

Last edited by Apple_in_my_Eye on 12 Jul 2015, 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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12 Jul 2015, 9:12 pm

I think you are not alone. When I was living in a board and lodge facility there were people who accused me of faking my Asperger-Autism because they do not understand what that means. You don't have to justify yourself here, I don't think, but if you DO want a diagnosis, you should definitely see a professional. NTs usually do not understand what it means to have Asperger's and do not care to educate themselves either.

On a personal note, my own mother disagrees with my diagnosis which is sad because I just ended up being abused into acting normal... OR ELSE! So don't lose heart. Even if nobody believes you, you're still you and they can't change that.

And yes, I agree. Why would anyone fake having an ASD? Or anything really... I think life is best lived when we confront it in honesty and acceptance. It's okay to celebrate being Aspie!


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12 Jul 2015, 9:40 pm

If you are an undiagnosed adult then you better get used to people telling you they don't think you have it. My current psychiatrist is on the fence, but agrees that I have an assortment of other disorders. The thing is that autism research isn't very advanced and even the professionals struggle to understand.
I'm hearing a lot of frustration in your posts. I think that talking to a professional is a good idea. If I had stopped at the first doctor who told me I was fine, I would have selfdestructed.
Don't worry if you don't initially get the diagnosis you feel is appropriate, just keep the process going and eventually they'll stumble onto something helpful.