HighLlama wrote:
For some reason the elderly couple decided to create some whole story around me, though. Not quite the same as chit chat, but it's so frustrating how people try to create some version of you based almost on nothing, which seems to be what they're doing in your case, potentially.
Oh yes, that, exactly! That's what happens in my building too -- there is a large core of the tenants here who gather in a common room and who live to create gossip even if they have to make it up out of thin air, or from very little information.
I was even warned about this when I moved in -- by one of the people who turned out to be one of the worst gossipers! He said don't tell anyone anything or they will take it and turn it around against you. I didn't take him seriously at the time, because fortunately I'd never lived in a place where that had ever been a problem, until now!
Now, just last week, this same guy expressed irritation at how private I am. He actually said to my face: "You're so secretive, everyone here thinks you're a serial killer."
That actually wounded me quite deeply. I thought that was a horrible, malicious thing to say to anyone. I'm ALWAYS sweet, smiling, polite and friendly to these people even though I can't stand them and I know they're backstabbers. There's nothing about me that would say "serial killer" --- EXCEPT that I like to keep myself to myself, I value old fashioned privacy, and I wish with all my heart that these people would do the same for me.
They all visit each other and are always dropping in on each other's apartments/flats -- as an introvert and an aspie that's my worst nightmare. My home is my sanctuary I fall into exhausted every day. But just because I don't want to be disturbed, the serial killer thing is what they think of me? That's horrible.
They don't know I'm on the spectrum and there's a reason why I'm "friendly but not social." However, if they knew I think the gossip about me would be even worse.