Different groups of people often hate and bash each other. Must be something we all get from birth. It's bound to come out here and there on WP, people have to be allowed to vent sometimes. I think it's to our credit that we don't do it as often as the NTs on AS Partners do. Try asking them politely to knock it off and they'll just attack you for it.
If it's just venting, I liken it to throwing up - i.e. it's better out than in, but please don't splash innocent bystanders. If it's actually serious warmongering, I can't justify it at all, though I think autistics probably have more mitigating circumstances, being a disadvantaged minority. We probably get more stick than we give to NTs, overall. Nobody's fault exactly, just an accident of nature.
I try hard to steer clear of bashing NTs as such. I've been known to paint a pretty bleak picture of mainstream society, which I guess is venting. Hopefully it's less offensive because neurotypicality is inborn and identifiable in the individual, while being a mainstreamer is a much more nebulous concept, more an act of will, and it's hard to find an individual who really is utterly mainstream.
Mostly I try not to bash anybody as a person, though I think it's healthy to criticise and question their ideas and behaviour, and I do that. I try not to be harsh about it.