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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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Joined: 13 Jun 2015
Posts: 1
Location: manasses va

24 Jul 2015, 12:03 am

To be honest i just feel f****d since elementry school i allways knew i was different used to have anxity attacks in class all through middle and highschool due to social anitxty but allways had friends i was able to beat social anixity 3 years after getting out of high school cant get girls the only girlfriend i ever had broke up with me in two weeks. But my real problem is at work now 22 i have prolems with social interaction peolp think im rude ill give a example if some is walking past me and they just look at me without saying anything i dont know how to bheave so i will akwardly through my hand up and they will just walk away thinking i didnt wana talk and im being rude when really i wana be nice but my hfa messes up my soial skills but i look normal what do i do.


Joined: 4 Feb 2014
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24 Jul 2015, 6:08 pm

Congratulations on having and keeping a job.

What do you do?

What I would do: I would find out what your co-workers are interested in. If you are interested in it as well, you could offer your input when they are offering their input.