c700 wrote:
btbnnyr wrote:
What are your peaks of ability?
Often, when doing something intellectually demanding, I use my peaks only, the cognitive functions that are highest in my brain are the ones I use the most and are most useful to me.
My peaks are picture completion, matrix reasoning, similarities, comprehension, block design. These were roughly 2 standard deviations above the mean. The rest was very poor. I was told that my results are very consistent with my diagnosis of autism.
A IQ of at least two standard deviations above the mean correspond of intellectual giftedness, and your peaks show deep thinking, which is more valuable im my opinion as a defintion of "intelligence" that computational skills (Like processing speed, working memory and arithmetic, which are domains that computer happen to greatly surpass human beings.)
I must say that I struggle with similar problems than you, and contrary to you I don't even have subtests reaching as high as twoe deviations above the mean, which I though I could reach before my IQ test in my diagnosis processus.
I feel better that I used to a few years ago on this question hopefully.