Do I have psychic power?
One time at school I was thinking about what the room would be like if it were painted. That day my math teacher said she was going to paint the room. I only thought of it!
Sometimes I think of something, like, computers, and then my little brother says something like, "when can I get my own computer? This happens A LOT.
I was playing war with one of my classmates, and TWO TIMES IN A ROW we tied. But then my mood suddenly dipped and I lost.
I feel like I can control the world around me.
And I'm also freakishly predictable. I was taking an online hearing test, and then when it asked me what word I hear, I just let my mind calm and control my hand so I move the cursor to the next right word. AND I GOT IT RIGHT EVERY TIME!! !
I also saw this motion detector on the ceiling of the gym earlier, and it kept flashing a light, and then I started trying to predict when the light will flash next and I got every one right. Like, I just let my mind predict when it will happen next.
Whenever I'm just taking a nap, sometimes, I will be deep in thought about what I like, and then something will happen at the EXACT same time as something happens in real life. For instance, I was thinking about a cup on a table, and when it fell over, and hit the ground (in my dream, it was more of a dream-thought), a cup in REAL LIFE fell over and hit the ground at the EXACT same time. I feel like I have a connection with things when I'm dreaming.
Also, one time, while I was running, I was just thinking a lot about my sister's tumblr profile pic, and now, she's posted some stuff.
I'm also always reacting to exact times, subconsciously noticing patters, predicting what is going to happen, and other things. Now, it's just getting to much for me to handle. I don't know how my psychic power happened.
Also, sometimes, when I think about doing something, at first, for some reason I hesitate to do it, but then when I get the feeling to do it, when I do it, something else happens at the exact same time something else happens.
Also, sometimes, when these things happen, I can't remember them later on for some reason.
Things like this happen way too often to be coincidences. And now I feel like my psychic power is in some way for some reason inhibiting me from doing some things I want to do. I can't specify.
I also don't want this power because it's just too much for me to process. And if things are constantly going to be this way, then I feel like, I don't know (I don't want to say dying because I think that would be a violation of the WP rules), because I feel like my psychic power is becoming a problem that I can't rid of.
I also have Asperger's syndrome.
What do I do?
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Get rid of it by applying Static-Electricity to the back of your neck every single day whilst telling said « powers » that it needs to go away instead of hanging around you. Use a WimHurst-Device if you don't know how to generate Static. You are probably also very highly emotionally sensitive if I'm not mistaken which also seems to be related to a « sensitivity » that some might mistake for psychic-abilities. You are simply too young & inexperienced right now to be able to deal with having such « powers/abilities » without it likely causing you unneeded amounts of stress & potential problems anyway. Better to try and lead a « normal » life for now until you've learned to be able to deal with life's obstacles without needing to rely on extra-sensory processes.
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Lots of people feel this way when they begin noticing they have psychic ability. You might find more support in other forums or groups that are oriented to talking about psychic experiences. Some people here tend to be really dismissive and judgmental about this kind of thing. It helps to talk to people who have similar experiences.
It's normal to feel conflicted about it and feel like you don't want it. But it's real and it's part of you and it won't just go away.
no one has psychic powers. so you don't need to worry. when i was four, i started asking my mom if she'd get me out if our house burned down. my first week of kindergarten our house caught fire and she did get me and my sisters out. when I was a teenager, i started bugging my mom to wear a seatbelt. she soon was in an accident. either i noticed something subconsciously that made me worry or these things were coincidences.
i have a friend who claims to be psychic and gets paid for it. she is right from time to time, but mostly not. she was even on national tv once because she was hired by a family in a murder case and said she kept hearing pickle. that turned out to be the perp's name. she has a very good imagination. i wish she'd write novels instead of ripping people off.
You could just have a great imagination and be exceptionally perceptive without realizing it. Our pastor is an illusionist and he does the "mind reading" tricks, which is just psychology and guessing. If you're naturally very perceptive, it's fascinating what you can pick up. Have you ever seen the show Psych?
I've been told I have a psychic gift. I don't know about that, I think I'm probably just really perceptive. Like one night I kept thinking about this person and felt a strong urge to message them, and it turned out it was a good thing because they were really depressed and I ended up helping make things a little better. I think I was thinking about the person because of their recent posts seemed rather depressed and so it got into my mind that I needed to talk to them. I pick up on feeling other people's emotions sometimes a little too well (I just have no idea what to do about it!)
I'm also really good at finding things, almost as if I just know where they are, such as when I found the end to a guy's nose ring immediately, at a crowded wedding. It's because I subconsciously map things in my head and can tell when something is out of place, when something doesn't match (just think of those "find the differences" pictures). I notice little details most people don't.
I can't discount psychic abilities, but I do try to rationalize my own experiences and figure out how things can be explained. I still haven't figured out how to explain the occurrences at my grandma's house... but maybe someday.
Your Aspie score: 171 of 200
Your Neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 40 of 200
This is quite likely confirmation bias, coupled with a extra sensitive perception.
I also experience things like this, where i heared the teachers (for example) talk about painting the room among each other, didn't think much of it, but when i entered the room, i'd notice it could use a paintjob, just before the teacher announced it.
the word prediction: you probarbly got it wrong the same amount of time, but you just forgot.
you brother most likely wanted his own computer for a while, and you thinking about computers isn't strange either, this coincidence was bound to happen.
Tieing in a game of war is also very common, those games tie unless someone screws up (which you did, as you said).
trust me, extreme perception can appear like clearvoyance, and confirmation bias can make it look like you have procognition or even control, but these effects are studied quite closely, and always seen to be not true (not proven impossible).
Go play the lotto to test your precognition, or poker/roulette to use your ability to control the world.
I can 95% guarentee that you'll realise that you don't actually have psychic power.
If i am wrong: there is still a reward of several million dollars for the first person to show genuine psychic powers.
also: there is one news headline you'd expect to see if psychics were real: "psychic wins lottery"
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Went away for me eventually. Not entirely sure the reason but after a breaking point in my life I no longer got frequent « visions » that ended up happening as I had « envisioned » said events happening.
Lots of people feel this way when they begin noticing they have psychic ability. You might find more support in other forums or groups that are oriented to talking about psychic experiences. Some people here tend to be really dismissive and judgmental about this kind of thing. It helps to talk to people who have similar experiences.
It's normal to feel conflicted about it and feel like you don't want it. But it's real and it's part of you and it won't just go away.
Now I just rule out everybody's else's explanations & just attribute it due to being a Quantum-Level Nano-Technology Alien Implant-Device that may just be malfunctioning & causing you to have said « psychic » experiences even though it's really the Alien-Implant that's causing you to think that you have ESP. Now for another one of this guy !
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I experience this sort of thing. Mainly I will think of a song and then it will play on the radio shortly afterwards. Stuff like that. I find it amusing, but never put too much thought into it beyond that. I think if you put it to the test and purposefully try to predict things, like what song is going to play next, you will find that you actually have no psychic powers. Why things come to you out of the blue before they happen is just one of those mysterious coincidental happenstance things I think and really nothing more to it.
Maccha - When I was younger (even younger than you), I thought I had special powers (similar to what you described).
As I got older, I realized that it was simply me wanting to have special powers.
Several years later, as an undergraduate, I took a Philosophy of Science class (back then, philosophy and religion were both interests of mine). It was quite illuminating. That semester, I did my term paper on precognition (the supposed ability to perceive an event or condition before it occurs). I suppose you need to ask yourself how knowledge of a future event can be obtained. Essentially, for you to believe in psychic powers, you need to believe in backwards causation (essentially the cause preceding the effect). There are many philosophers who write about this stuff, including David Hume. It's pretty deep/complex stuff. But, very, very interesting.
Obsessing over Sonic the Hedgehog since 2009
Diagnosed with Aspergers' syndrome in 2012.
Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1 severity without intellectual disability and without language impairment in 2015.